Best mobile Service center in coimbatore

Welcome to Wefixcare


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Select appropriate Problem, Get Estimated Repair Quote & Book Online.​

Quality check

We will check everything for quality of device after repairing

Free Pick-up

We collect your defective phone below the range of 10 kilometers from the shop

Pay and get

once the phone completly repair finally we test the phone pay and get the phone deliver to the customer

Diagnosis & Repair

Our technicians are professionalized diagnose and detect the problem and repair it.

Worried about your Damaged Smartphone

We Know how important Smartphones in day to day life for everyone. If anything goes wrong with the phone we will end up missing with many important things / barred with social networks. We want the phone to be repaired immediately to stay connected. Here is the big question arises that whom should we trust for repair? Which will be the best Smartphone service center in coimbatore? Who will do the quality service or repair? Whether data stored in the device will be Safe? 

     For all this question you will get best answer is wefixcare Best Mobile Service Center in coimbatore we provide Smartphone, Mobile,Tablet for Servicing minor repair to major issues